Thursday, October 16, 2008

Presidential Election

How it's looking now:

Nevada, Colorado, Missouri, Ohio, and Florida are still up for grabs. If Obama wins any one of these states he will win the election, with the exception of Nevada. If he only wins Nevada and no others there could be an electoral tie (269 apiece). This could potentially happen.

McCain needs to win all of these states in order to win the election. This could happen but it's not likely. If the early results show Obama having won Florida or Ohio, barring some other big upset (like McCain winning Pennsylvania) Obama will have it wrapped up at that point.


Bryan CastaƱeda said...

Well, the crucial "Bryan" vote is still up for grabs. Tracking polls indicate he will vote for neither candidate, although there are rumors he is leaning towards a libertarian write-in.

But given that he doesn't get the warm fuzzies when exercising his franchise, sources tell us he is staying the hell away from the voting booth come this November.

John said...

Best not to let that information get out, or P. Diddy will have you killed.

I vote in every presidential election just in case I have a nerdy grandson some day and he asks me who I voted for every election, going all the way back, just like I did with my grandparents.

But I'm also a firm believer in the right not to vote. If you coerce people into voting or make it a socially mandatory thing to do then it ceases to be a right.