Saturday, October 4, 2008

Movie Update

Leatherheads: 1/4 stars

Not a good movie. Not funny. Not interesting on any level. Weak plot. Bland love story. Awful dialogue.

The film takes place in 1925. You know this because every single shot of the film features either a Model T or someone wearing outlandish period dress. Plus, although it's in color, the film is bathed in sepia undertones. The result is a very Hollywoody, inauthentic period look. The costumes looked like they were heavily researched and expensive to make, but everyone in the film is wearing brand new clothes throughout the entire movie. Nothing looks worn-in. It's like watching a Civil War movie where all the soldiers are 30 pounds heavier and ten years older than the real ones would have been (read: Gods and Generals). It just doesn't look right.

There are several attempts to add 'snappy' exchanges between the two leads. The result is almost embarrassing. I know this is mean to say, but Renee Zellweger looks awful in this one and a lot older than the 31 her character is supposed to be. Attempts to Hepburn-ize her character make her come off shrill, not like a strong, sassy woman as intended.

1 comment:

Bryan CastaƱeda said...

The commercials and trailer looked dumb. I had minimal interest previously and absolutely zero now.