Monday, October 27, 2008

Interesting Icelandic Accent

This is a clip of Bjork that must be about 15 or 20 years old. This was before she lived in England or the U.S. because her accent is much less pronounced now. (no pun intended).

What really stands out to me:

1) An unusual mouth position- like her voice is coming from a place very far forward in her mouth.
2) The 'r's are rolled. More like a Scottish burr or even a Spanish "rr".
3) Something unusual is going on with her "s"s and "z"s. I'm not sure if it's indicative of Icelandic, or if it's something that's idiosyncratic to her. They seem unusually sibilant, like there's a natural whistle to the sound.

Overall sounds much more similar to Norwegian and Danish than to Swedish.

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