Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My New Future Wife

My wife has decided that she's going to dump me and marry the kid with the goofy hair from the movie "Twilight", even though he's about 10 years younger than she is. So, to counter her plans, I've decided who I'm going to pursue:

Sara La Fountain

Her name is Sara LaFountain. She's half Finnish and half French. She was born in Santa Barbara and raised in Finland. She's also a popular TV chef in Europe. We haven't set a date yet but you're all invited.


Michael said...

Every girl I know that's read and seen "Twilight", is in love with that guy. A study should be done on those books and movie, because Stephenie Meyer has found exactly why it is that all girls are stupid. Which is the lead character is the lead male character. He is the ideal guy for all chicks.

Bryan CastaƱeda said...

If you're at all interested, this article does an excellent job of explaining why Twilight resonates so strongly with girls and women: http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200812/twilight-vampires