Sunday, January 25, 2009

Movie Update

The Wrestler: 3/4 stars. The trailer made me think this would be a total cliche-fest and, sure enough, it is. It's also a good movie though. I found myself really drawn in and I thought Mickey Rourke did a good job with the character. The sub-plot with the daughter doesn't totally work, and I have to admit, I was expecting a little more overall from Aranofsky. Marissa Tomei is fine but not amazing or anything, and maybe seeing this on a snowy Sunday afternoon in the Northeast didn't help me to feel much affection for its setting. It's more a film you admire than a film you love and I can guarantee I'll probably never want to watch it again even though I'd recommend it to anyone interested in seeing it.


Bryan CastaƱeda said...

I was supposed to see it over break but didn't get a chance. Will have to wait for video.

Michael said...

Wait for video?


Bryan CastaƱeda said...

Jesus, don't be so pedantic. You know what I meant.

John said...

I want to get the soundtrack when it comes out on wax cylinder.