Thursday, January 8, 2009


I rarely subject others to my singing, but I when I do I can be kind of obnoxious about it. I tend to be one of those people who thinks he can sing, but truth is, I really can't. It's not that I have a bad voice or that I can't carry a tune-- I actually think I have slightly above average musical abilities overall. I could never make a living at it, but I have a better aptitude for it than, I'd say, 60-70% of the population.

The problem with my voice is that I have absolutely no range. When I sing I have a natural tendency to mimic the performer. For most male tenor singers I have to go higher than my normal range to match them, and the result is always strained. I can hit lower notes easier than high ones, but my voice doesn't resonate well in the lower range for some reason. So I can sing along to Johnny Cash but my voice kind of gets swallowed up somewhere between my larynx and lips.

So I'm better in the middle ranges. If I could sing and had any range at all I'd most likely be your basic baritone.

There is one singer, however, who I have no problem matching for some reason, and that's Donovan. I can sing most of his songs, match his voice and it feels totally natural, not strained at all. So this leads me to believe that whatever key he sings in is what I should sing in. Also, I'd venture to guess, our phonatory systems are a similar size and shape. Too bad he's a brilliant musical genius and I'm not. See if you can match these too:

1 comment:

Bryan CastaƱeda said...

I love singing along to songs in my car. Do it every day.

Alas, I am not fit to sing in front of others.