Monday, February 23, 2009

Academy Awards

My predictions were way off this year-- I only got 10 out of 24 right. My sister-in-law got 17. I bet on Benjamin Button winning all the small awards but it turns out Slumdog got most of those. I also thought Mickey Rourke was going to win, and I picked the other song from Slumdog to win Best Song.

A few observations:

Hugh Jackman was fine, I guess. I liked that they changed it up and had a non-comedian. Not as many smarmy one-liners and insults as in earlier years (read: Chris Rock). Jackman was good because I feel like I barely noticed him-- probably how a host should be.

Sean Penn's speech was annoying and all over the place.

The Pineapple Express bit with James Franco and Seth Rogen was lame.

The cutting back and forth between Jennifer Aniston and Brangelina was pointless and in poor taste. Why was Jennifer Aniston there anyway? What movies has she been in the last few years, and how many of them were any good?

Why was Phillip Seymour Hoffman wearing a do-rag?

When Mickey Rooney saw the "In Remembrance" montage, did he think, "I'll probably be up there next year."

Bill Maher presenting for Best Documentary is a bit like Ronald McDonald being a judge on Top Chef.


Bryan CastaƱeda said...

Tina Fey and Steve Martin were great. THEY should've hosted.

Was that Jackman-Beyonce musical number horrible or what? Top hats and canes? Way to rope in a younger audience.

Thank God for DVRs. But for fast-forwarding, we'd still be watching the show. Speaking of, was the Jerry Lewis acceptance speech as uncomfortable as it looked?

The show gets more boring and less relevant every year.

John said...

I agree about Tina Fey and Steve Martin. I was so glad Lewis kept his speech short.