Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

2.5/4 stars
Uneven film. Great to look at but too many cliches. Reminded me too much of Forrest Gump meets Titanic. I didn't like Cate Blanchett's character.
I liked the concept; I liked the idea of showing a main character whose existence is so far removed from everyone else's. I enjoyed the film on the level of a fable or metaphor. Jared Harris was good, he needs to be in more movies. In the end, the film was very sad, but not particularly uplifting.


Bryan CastaƱeda said...

The trailers made this look like a snooze fest.

Michael said...

I'll never see this film. I really want to like Brad Pitt, but he's so hit or miss with me. I liked him in Inglorious Bastards, but not much else.