Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas In Massachusetts

Spent Christmas in chilly Western Mass. Had a great, relaxed time up until Christmas afternoon when I was hit full-on with one of the worst colds I've had in years. I literally did nothing at all Thursday night, Friday, and Saturday excpet sleep and take NyQil. I somehow managed to drive myself home on Sunday. I'm feeling better and have to work tomorrow. In some ways I'm glad that I was sick on vacation and not while I had to work, in other ways, for obvious reasons, I'm kind of pissed about it.

On Christmas I cooked a goose for the first time, for the wife's family. The trick to cooking goose is making sure you position and baste it properly, otherwise it's way too fatty. I went too far overboard though, and it ended up being dry and tough. It tasted good though.

My brother sent me a boxed set of Ingmar Bergman films and I made the wife's family sit down and watch "Smiles of a Summer Night" which no one liked and all thought was depressing and too serious. Oh well.

No plans for New Years. I have to work late Wednesday but I'm taking Thursday off.


Bryan CastaƱeda said...

It's been a while since I've seen Smiles of a Summer Night, but that one always stuck out in my head as one his lighter entertainments.

Then again, "light" Bergman is still about 30 times heavier than everyone else.

John said...

That's exactly how it is. I sold it to them as a romantic comedy, but it's also full of infidelity and deeply unhappy characters.