Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Most Exciting Thing That Has Ever Happened in North America

Try not to get too excited. Okay, get excited. That's right. You read correctly. It's for real. I've decided to throw my proverbial (and sometimes metaphorical) hat into the ring and start making my private musings public via the interweb, or the "information super-freeway" as the kids call it ("information turnpike" if you're on the east coast).

Most posts will consist of pictures of my cat, Miss Gwendolyn "Kitty" Whiskerson dressed in her pageant bests, and my incessant rantings and ravings on why Mr. Smith should be running this country, how reptiles living under the south pole are controlling the Republican Party, and the fact that the late Middle Ages never existed.

Happy reading and welcome.


Bryan CastaƱeda said...

The West Coast-Midwest-East Coast blog triumvirate is complete.

If this doesn't cause the stock market to bounce back, NOTHING will.

Michael said...

I happy you decided to do this, because now I have another outlet to let you know how much New York blows.

Reason #1 The Yankees aren't in the playoffs. And in case you didn't know, the Dodgers are. Way to fire Joe Torre.